by Rachel Schumaier
With Fargo’s projected annual population growth rate of 1.5%, the Fargo Park District expects to keep expanding. The Fargo Park District has a strong history, dating back to 1910 and they firmly believe people always want to be outside and engaging in their community. Parks are such an important part of having a healthy community and people realize that. The Fargo Park District believes that parks allow people to be less stressed and more active, which are a few reasons why there has been an increase in traffic. The Fargo Park District offers several community events year-round from art to outdoor activities.
Danielle Wente, Fargo Park District’s digital marketing specialists said, “We have seen an increase in numbers with our events, even in events like archery. The archery program we offer is for youth and adults, and has a beginner course and an advanced course. All levels and courses always seem to be filled before the registration deadline.” With an increase in events and population the facilities need to be thought about too.
Wente said, “We are excited to say that we have plans not only to revamp some existing parks, but also develop new ones for the community to enjoy.” Wente explained that the plans to expand rely heavily on the growth of the city. The Fargo Park District works closely with the city planner when determining the next steps in the expansion process.
Wente believes that the core purpose of the Fargo Park District is to serve the community and make lives better. “Growing as a district is always happening. We grow as the community grows and we strive to be better at what we do,” said Wente. With the population growing at a tremendous rate, the Fargo Park District plans to keep up with the community by adding additional parks, revamping old ones, and continuing to add events.